Revenue Banking

new england revenue banking
Utilizing this creative system, companies are able to convert a common business practice, historically and routinely accepted as an expense item or as “just inevitable cost of doing business,” into a powerful income generator.

The “Revenue Banking Program” provides an “Electronic-Link” between local bank depository account, non-local check-clearing and processing services accounts, electronic funds transfer services, and the automatic money market “sweep” features of investment accounts.

Companies are thereby able to eliminate, or greatly reduce, monthly checking account service fees and to automatically earn interest on all of their account balances. This is taking a �Sweep Account� to the next level. There would be no target or compensating balances and real money market rates on all balances all of the time.


Get A Complimentary Review of Your Overall Expenses.

Call: 508-878-4846

For an Estimate of Potential Savings, Please Scan and Email Your Most Recent Electricity and Natural Gas Bills (Front & Back).